Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Management of People at Work

Social Inventions of groups of people working to achieve their goals 2. Goal Accomplishment- Individual assembled to achieve goals that cannot be done by one man alone 3. Group Effort– By combining as a team, they can thus work efficiently to achieve goals What is Organizational Behavior? Attitudes and behaviors of individual and group in organizations. Involves systematic study of these attitudes and behaviors, and should be of interest to all students of management Why study ABHOR? 1. It is interesting 2. It Is Important as It helps us be more efficient .Makes a difference because good companies are the one practicing It ABHOR goals 1. Predicting People's Behavior – Predicting what people wants to do in work life 2. Explaining Behavior- Explain why people work in different way 3. Managing it- The art of getting things accomplished via others. If It can be predicted, It can be managed Early Prescription 2 phases to pursue correct way to manage organization 1. Sass, man agers believe high specialization of labor, intensive coordination, centralized decision making to solve issue (Classical View- Authoritative) 2.Hawthorne Studies ?Human relations movement was critique of classical management and bureaucracy that advocated management styles that were more participative and oriented toward employee needs (Participative) Contingency Approach This approach recognize there Is no best method depends on situation- No best method What Managers do? 1. Managerial Roles vary with management level and organizational technology 2. Interpersonal Roles- Roles that are used to establish and maintain interpersonal relations. Figurehead roles and spokesperson roles 3. Decisional Roles- Makes decision and the negotiator roleManagerial Activities 1. Routine communications (Exchange Info, handle paperwork with people) 2. Traditional Management (Planning, Decision Making) 3. Networking (Socializing, politicking) 4. Human Resource Management (Managing Conflict, Staffing, training and development) One of the most fascinating findings is how emphasis on these various activities relates to management success. People who promote faster tends to do more networking and less human resource management. However, if success is successful managers are those who devote more time and effort to human resource management and less networking.Managerial Agendas Successful Managers has similar patterns via – Agenda Setting, Networking and Agenda 1 . Agenda Setting- Managers tend to develop agendas of what they want to accomplish for organization. Usually Informal unwritten, more concerned with ‘people issues' and less numerical than most formal strategic plans 2. Networking- Managers established wide formal and informal network of key people inside and outside of organization to ensure cooperation inside and outside. 3. Agenda implementation- Managers use networks to implement agendas. They will go anywhere to obtain assistance. Managerial MindsIntuitio n- Problem identification and solve issues in a systematic manner International Managers- National Culture is one of the most important contingency variables with more ideas Contemporary Management Concerns 1. Diversity Local and Global-With more diversity, people need to be treated fairly and equally so that issues can be solved 2. Employee- Organization Relationship – Downsizing, Restructuring engineering have been having lots of consequences of employees, lower Job satisfaction, lower morale, trust ETC. ABHOR states its important that managers can manage these issues positively 3. Focus on quality, Speed andFlexibility – Increasing competition states Organizations have to do things faster because there is a greater need for quality, speed and flexibility to maintain standard 4. Employee Recruitment and Retention- Organizations find it difficult to sustain skilled employees in their workforce. Lack of skilled labor is a big issue for organizations and its expected to get worse as baby boomers begin to retire. Recruitment process then has to be more effective to find these employees Personality and Learning Personality – Stable set of psychological characteristic that influence the way individual interact with his or her environment.It is reflected in the way people react to other people, situations and problems. Personality and Organization behavior Individuals possess stable traits or characteristic. Interactions approach, ABHOR is a function of dispositions and situation. 5 Factor model of Personality Extroversion/Neurotics/Agreeableness/Conscientiousness/Openness to Experience Evidence state that big 5 is related to Job performance. High conscientiousness is related to performance for all occupations and the best predictor of performance of all big 5. It is also related to motivation, Job satisfaction and career success Locus ofControl- Beliefs that one's behavior is controlled by external force or internal Self Monitoring- Attitude o f being aware of surrounding or not -High self monitors tend to be more involved in Jobs and to perform at a higher level. These Jobs usually includes sales, law, public relations and politics Self Esteem by surroundings. Higher Self Esteem tend to view world more optimistically. Proactive Personality- Positive affectively tends to report world as having less stress Greater Self-Efficacy – Trait that refers to individual belief that in his own capability to do well regardless of situation.They tend to have higher Job satisfaction, higher Job performance. Core Self Evaluation- Self Esteem/Self-Efficacy/Locus of control/ neurotics What is Learning? When practice or experience leads to a permanent change in behavior. We assume that learning has occurred when individual behavior change. 4 types- Practical/ Interpersonal/elementariness/Cultural Awareness 4 types -Job Specific Skills/ Knowledge/ Technical Competence Operant Learning Theory- Subjects learns to operate on environment to achieve certain consequences. Operant Leaning can be used to increase or reduce probability of behavior Increasing the Probability of BehaviorPromoting behavior is reinforcement?By which Stimuli strengthen behaviors. 2 Behaviors are – Positive reinforcement/Negative reinforcement Positive Reinforcement- Increase or maintain probability of some behavior, this sends to be pleasant stimuli Negative Reinforcement- Increase or maintains probability of some behavior by removing them in the situation. Tends to be unpleasant experience Organizational Errors Involving Reinforcement 1. Confusing Rewards with Reinforces – Stating why rewards are given clearly 2. Neglecting Diversity in Preference for Reinforces -Provide the right benefits-Workaholic may not like holidays 3. Neglecting Important sources of reinforcement – Feedback is good to let people know how well or bad they have done 4. Reinforcement strategies Reducing Probability of Behavior 1. Extinction- Limitin g bad attitudes e. G- shorter breaks etc 2. Punishments – Provide punishment deduct pay etc 3. Using punishments effectively?Make sure punishment is truly aversive/punish immediately/do not reward behaviors before/after punishments 4. Do not punish desirable behavior Punishments can be effective to stop unwanted behavior and hence extinguish unwanted response.Reinforcing good behaviors is better than punishing bad behaviors Social Cognitive Theory Human behavior can be best explained through system of triadic reciprocal . Albert Bandeau social cognitive theory involves 3 parts 1. Modeling – Copying others behavior, some can learn by copying others 2. Self-Efficacy- beliefs people have on their ability to successfully perform the task. 3. Self-regulation- Regulating oneself 1. Organizational behavior modification – Systematic use of learning principles – Can use all 3, money positive feedback to improve returns 2. Employee RecognitionProgram – Publi cly recognize employees- how to recognize, type of behavior encouraged, manner of public acknowledgement, token of recognition 3. Training program – Positive effect on learning, skills and Job behaviors help to set goals when rewards sanctions used in trainees work environment 4. Career Development – Individual progress through a series of stages which involves certain plans and management component. Perception- Interpreting messages of our sense to provide order and meaning of environment. Most important perception that influence organizational behavior are the perceptions of each other Components ofPerception 1. Perceiver – Experience/motives/emotions can affect perception 2. Target – Ambiguity or lack of target leads of greater need of interpretation of information 3. Situation 1. Social Identity Theory?People form perceptions of themselves based on characteristics based on gender, religion, nationality, religion etc. 2. Model of the Perceptual Process – Initially less cues of information from the target but as time passes, it becomes clearer and easier to decipher messages 3. Basic Biases in Person A. Primary Regency Effect – Form impressions of others fairly quickly. We tend to read a lot into first impressions.B. Reliance on Central Traits- We read into others behavior based on their initial impressions C. Implicit Personality Theories- We organize our perceptions of others around the presence of certain traits or personal characteristics of others that are particular interest to us D. Projection?If we are always honest, people tend to believe we are honest E. Stereotype- Putting players into a certain category to Judge their behavior (Page 13) 1. Consistency Cues- How consistent to his goals 2. Consensus Cues- How his actions deviate from social expectations tell us more about his behavior 3. Distinctiveness Cues- How

Development of the Constitutional Position of Caesar Augustus Essay

In 31BC Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian had emerged victorious from the cival wars unmatched in auctoritas and dignitas. By laying down his quasi-legal triumviral powers, he sought to establish his dominance over Rome under the pretext of restoring the Republic and in a manner which respected mos mairum, ancestoral customs. The mistakes of his father would not be repeated and he ensured the range of powers gradually bestowed upon him that provided his constitutional legality, were those offered by the Senate and People of Rome. In 27BC, shortly after his return back to Rome, Octavian laid aside his unprecedented and extraordinary triumvirate powers and as Bradely states wanted to â€Å"have his powers granted to him constitutionally†. In what must have been a staged political play, the Senate denied Octavian’s resignation into private life and instead referred upon him numerous powers. Continues civil war had rid pro-republican support within the Senate, and as Octavian was left without a rival, the Senate had no other course of action but to extend his powers. As Tacitus says â€Å"they [the Senate] preferred the safety of the present to the dangerous past†. Known as the first settlement he was awarded the name ‘Augustus’ and the title of princeps inter pares, the first man amongst equals in the new Republic. Additionally, by senatorial degree, his consulship was renewed yearly, but more importantly he was given imperium proconsulare over the provinces of Gual, Spain, Egypt and Syria, controlling the bulk of Rome’s legions, all under the auspice of his legates comprising of his friends and family. This, in essence was Augustus’ true source of power. He may have claimed to be equal to the other Senators, however this was only to maintain the ‘forma’ of the Republic while changing its ‘anima’, spirit. By keeping the Senate unarmed there was no possibility for new rivals to appear allowing him to constitutionally define his power without recourse for other despotic actions. Like Solon had when reforming the constitution of Athens, Augustus left Rome to allow his position and the new power status quo to settle. In 23BC the conspiracy of Murena and Caepio, prompted Augustus to rethink his constitutional position within the ancestral customs he wanted to observe. The monopolisation of the consulship angered many of the nobiles who were denied access to what was still the highest position within the state. His resignation of the consulship, which he held successively since 33, led to the second settlement. The Senate, of course, compensated for his loss of powers. They decreed his proconsular imperium as ‘maius’, greater, meaning he â€Å"had the first word in his provinces and the last in others†. Additionally he was granted tribunicia potestas, and despite the discrepancies by ancient historians, it seems by 23 it was annual and perpetual. However the seniority of a tribune within senatorial ranking, as Brunt and Moore state, was â€Å"very low† and as a subsidiary right Augustus was granted ‘ius primae relationis’, so to place first motions in Senate meetings. Not that by now it mattered, his ultimate and unmatched auctoritas was enough to weild his powers over Roman politics. Instead, Augustus provided the perception of legality†¦.. in order to avoid the rank of despotism Julius Caesar flagrantly displayed. And legality was essential to the thinking of Roman nobiles so to avoid the perception of tyrant Rome so despised. By 19BC his constitutional powers were complete. However in truth, by 23BC, the powers granted to Augustus were superfluous to his true position in the State, that is they were not reflective of the power that he yielded over Rome. His unmatched actoritas, ultimate patronage of Italy after the ‘oath of allegiance’, and unrivaled military monopoly over the legions, provided the necessary power to define his constitutional position, which was, unquestionably, complete domination over the Roman State.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Ptcl Report

1. Introduction: Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited  (PTCL) is a  mega corporation  and a leading telecommunication authority in the  State of Pakistan. The corporation provides and enforces policies for the telephonic services nation-wide and is the backbone for country's telecommunication infrastructure despite arrival of a dozens other telecommunication corporations, including  Telenor Corps  and  China Mobile Ltd. The corporation managed and operates around ~2000 telephone exchanges across the country, providing the largest fixed line network.Data and backbone services such as GSM, CDMA, Broadband Internet, and IPTV, wholesale are an increasing part of its business. From the beginnings of Posts ; Telegraph Department in 1947 and establishment of Pakistan Telephone ; Telegraph Department in 1962, PTCL has been a major player in telecommunication in Pakistan. Despite having established a network of enormous size, PTCL workings and policies have attracted regul ar criticism from other smaller operators and the civil society of Pakistan.Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation (PTC) took over operations and functions from Pakistan Telephone and Telegraph Department under Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation Act 1991. In 1995, Pakistan Telecommunication (Reorganization) Ordinance formed the basis for PTCL monopoly over basic telephony in the country. The provisions of the Ordinance were lent permanence in October 1996 through Pakistan Telecommunication (Reorganization) Act.The same year, Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited was formed and listed on all stock exchanges of Pakistan PTCL launched its mobile and data services subsidiaries in 2001 by the name of Ufone and PakNet respectively. None of the brands made it to the top slots in the respective competitions Lately, however, Ufone had increased its market share in the cellular sector. The PakNet brand has effectively dissolved over the period of time. Recent DSL services launched by PTCL reflect this by the introduction of a new brand name and operation of the service being directly supervised by PTCL. . 1 Vision To be the leading Information and Communication Technology Service Provider in the region by achieving customer satisfaction and maximizing shareholders' value’. The future is unfolding around us. In times to come, we will be the link that allows global communication. We are striving towards mobilizing the world for the future. By becoming partners in innovation, we are ready to shape a future that offers telecom services that bring us closer. 1. 2 Mission To achieve our mission by having: An organizational environment that fosters professionalism, motivation and quality * An environment that is cost effective and quality conscious * Services that are based on the most optimum technology * â€Å"Quality† and â€Å"Time† conscious customer service * Sustained growth in earnings and profitability 4. SERVICES OF PTCL Pakistan Telecom munication Company Limited not only Provides Conventional telephone facilities, it also offers optical fiber services to the private sector. We will briefly discuss below the product lines being offered by the PTCL.Basically PTCL divide their services into two parts. 1 Services for consumers2. Services for corporate customers 4. 1 Services for Consumers These services are basically for the common users (Individual/home users) those use telephone in their home/work place and they are basically non business users. a) New Telephone Connections: As mentioned earlier, PTCL is presently the only telecom company, who provided fixed-line telephony in the country. So whenever, any Private business concern or any individual needs a new telephone connection for provision of telephone service. ) Value Added Services: CLI (Caller’s Line Identification) Caller Line Identification (CLI): Calling line Identification (CLI) allow customers to identify the caller before picking up the phone rec eiver. To subscribe to CLI services, customer needs a telephone set with display capability or a CLI device attached to the phone. Thereby generating an account on I/N platform and any call made from that telephone will be charged to this account. The service will provide state of art technological facilities to the subscribers. 5. CUSTOMER CARE & CUSTOMER SERVICES DEPARTMENTPTCL has established its Customer Services Department at different levels the overview of the said department is as follows. Corporate  Customer  Care  Center  Operation  Region  Level Customer  Services  Centers  Tensile  Level Toll  Free  Help  Lines  for  Complaint  &  Enquiry now we briefly introduce the functions of these: Corporate Customer Care Center  to facilitate Corporate Customers PTCL has established Corporate Customer Care Centers at all Operation Regional Head Quarter Level, in all the meager cities countrywide. The Corporate Customers can get their problems res olved under one roof in a one window environment by dialing UAN 111-20 20 2.The Customer Relation Officers register the complaints & forward these to the related office. Customer Services Centers to facilitate consumers PTCL has established Customer Services Centers at all Tensile Level cities/offices. Here the consumers can use Fax Facility, Voice Telephony for  Local/NWD/ISD dialing. On divisional Offices Level duplicate phone bills may also be obtained from C. S. C’s. Toll Free Help Lines PTCL offers state-of-the-art call center network to its all type of valued customers for  convenient frequently asked Questions, Complaints regarding their services, T/No enquiry.The following three Toll Free T/Numbers are available for this purpose. a) 1236 (Service Activation) This toll free No is used to change the tariff packages of land line, WLL (V-fone),v PTCL phone n net service activation, & for Broad Band customers. The service activation is electronically ordered & activate d within 24 hours through concerned department) 1217 (Telephone Directory)This facility is also Toll Free & is used to obtain the telephone numbers of some specific subscribers (College, Govt. offices, Private offices etc. ).This is centralized & is being used as Telephone Directory) 1218 (Land Line Complaints 6. Projects and Assignments During Internship I was assigned to submit the daily market visit report to the consultant officer in which I had to find out the new costumers as well as to write down the complaints of the costumers regarding the products they use or any suggestions were always welcomed. Also I was assigned to meet at least 15 prospects and make them aware about Products and services like BB, Evo, IPtv, D-SET, H-set, Pstn, and Tab For this publicity I was trained for one week to make right publicity about the organization. . Recommendations: * Pakistan Telecommunication Company should Increase Publicity and Advertisement Activities. * Recruitment and selection opp ortunities should be increased. * Free Seminars should be organized. * They should not only focus on metropolitan cities but also should take close attention to the rural areas and small towns. * They should improve their Costumer care services. * To increase their sell activities they should create better strategies. Ptcl Report 1. Introduction: Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited  (PTCL) is a  mega corporation  and a leading telecommunication authority in the  State of Pakistan. The corporation provides and enforces policies for the telephonic services nation-wide and is the backbone for country's telecommunication infrastructure despite arrival of a dozens other telecommunication corporations, including  Telenor Corps  and  China Mobile Ltd. The corporation managed and operates around ~2000 telephone exchanges across the country, providing the largest fixed line network.Data and backbone services such as GSM, CDMA, Broadband Internet, and IPTV, wholesale are an increasing part of its business. From the beginnings of Posts ; Telegraph Department in 1947 and establishment of Pakistan Telephone ; Telegraph Department in 1962, PTCL has been a major player in telecommunication in Pakistan. Despite having established a network of enormous size, PTCL workings and policies have attracted regul ar criticism from other smaller operators and the civil society of Pakistan.Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation (PTC) took over operations and functions from Pakistan Telephone and Telegraph Department under Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation Act 1991. In 1995, Pakistan Telecommunication (Reorganization) Ordinance formed the basis for PTCL monopoly over basic telephony in the country. The provisions of the Ordinance were lent permanence in October 1996 through Pakistan Telecommunication (Reorganization) Act.The same year, Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited was formed and listed on all stock exchanges of Pakistan PTCL launched its mobile and data services subsidiaries in 2001 by the name of Ufone and PakNet respectively. None of the brands made it to the top slots in the respective competitions Lately, however, Ufone had increased its market share in the cellular sector. The PakNet brand has effectively dissolved over the period of time. Recent DSL services launched by PTCL reflect this by the introduction of a new brand name and operation of the service being directly supervised by PTCL. . 1 Vision To be the leading Information and Communication Technology Service Provider in the region by achieving customer satisfaction and maximizing shareholders' value’. The future is unfolding around us. In times to come, we will be the link that allows global communication. We are striving towards mobilizing the world for the future. By becoming partners in innovation, we are ready to shape a future that offers telecom services that bring us closer. 1. 2 Mission To achieve our mission by having: An organizational environment that fosters professionalism, motivation and quality * An environment that is cost effective and quality conscious * Services that are based on the most optimum technology * â€Å"Quality† and â€Å"Time† conscious customer service * Sustained growth in earnings and profitability 4. SERVICES OF PTCL Pakistan Telecom munication Company Limited not only Provides Conventional telephone facilities, it also offers optical fiber services to the private sector. We will briefly discuss below the product lines being offered by the PTCL.Basically PTCL divide their services into two parts. 1 Services for consumers2. Services for corporate customers 4. 1 Services for Consumers These services are basically for the common users (Individual/home users) those use telephone in their home/work place and they are basically non business users. a) New Telephone Connections: As mentioned earlier, PTCL is presently the only telecom company, who provided fixed-line telephony in the country. So whenever, any Private business concern or any individual needs a new telephone connection for provision of telephone service. ) Value Added Services: CLI (Caller’s Line Identification) Caller Line Identification (CLI): Calling line Identification (CLI) allow customers to identify the caller before picking up the phone rec eiver. To subscribe to CLI services, customer needs a telephone set with display capability or a CLI device attached to the phone. Thereby generating an account on I/N platform and any call made from that telephone will be charged to this account. The service will provide state of art technological facilities to the subscribers. 5. CUSTOMER CARE & CUSTOMER SERVICES DEPARTMENTPTCL has established its Customer Services Department at different levels the overview of the said department is as follows. Corporate  Customer  Care  Center  Operation  Region  Level Customer  Services  Centers  Tensile  Level Toll  Free  Help  Lines  for  Complaint  &  Enquiry now we briefly introduce the functions of these: Corporate Customer Care Center  to facilitate Corporate Customers PTCL has established Corporate Customer Care Centers at all Operation Regional Head Quarter Level, in all the meager cities countrywide. The Corporate Customers can get their problems res olved under one roof in a one window environment by dialing UAN 111-20 20 2.The Customer Relation Officers register the complaints & forward these to the related office. Customer Services Centers to facilitate consumers PTCL has established Customer Services Centers at all Tensile Level cities/offices. Here the consumers can use Fax Facility, Voice Telephony for  Local/NWD/ISD dialing. On divisional Offices Level duplicate phone bills may also be obtained from C. S. C’s. Toll Free Help Lines PTCL offers state-of-the-art call center network to its all type of valued customers for  convenient frequently asked Questions, Complaints regarding their services, T/No enquiry.The following three Toll Free T/Numbers are available for this purpose. a) 1236 (Service Activation) This toll free No is used to change the tariff packages of land line, WLL (V-fone),v PTCL phone n net service activation, & for Broad Band customers. The service activation is electronically ordered & activate d within 24 hours through concerned department) 1217 (Telephone Directory)This facility is also Toll Free & is used to obtain the telephone numbers of some specific subscribers (College, Govt. offices, Private offices etc. ).This is centralized & is being used as Telephone Directory) 1218 (Land Line Complaints 6. Projects and Assignments During Internship I was assigned to submit the daily market visit report to the consultant officer in which I had to find out the new costumers as well as to write down the complaints of the costumers regarding the products they use or any suggestions were always welcomed. Also I was assigned to meet at least 15 prospects and make them aware about Products and services like BB, Evo, IPtv, D-SET, H-set, Pstn, and Tab For this publicity I was trained for one week to make right publicity about the organization. . Recommendations: * Pakistan Telecommunication Company should Increase Publicity and Advertisement Activities. * Recruitment and selection opp ortunities should be increased. * Free Seminars should be organized. * They should not only focus on metropolitan cities but also should take close attention to the rural areas and small towns. * They should improve their Costumer care services. * To increase their sell activities they should create better strategies.

Monday, July 29, 2019


STATEMENTS FOR TEACHER TRAINING APPLICATION - Personal Statement Example I was initially enthused to pursue teaching in my work experience at XXXX, after completing my A†levels. I was guided by an enthusing primary school teacher who totally included me in helping the children with their writing and reading skills along with Mathematics. Since November 2013, I have volunteered three days every week at YYYY, which has made me more experienced in classroom†based teaching. I usually work together with the class teacher in organizing the class for activities, listening while children read, along with supporting pupils of lower ability. This made me understand the significance of differentiation in planning a lesson and how it is should be run. I have taken part in coming up with Individual Educational Plans (IEP) for pupils encouraging them to learn and personally structuring their learning as per their explicit needs. Moreover, I am extending my various teaching methods like listening exercises, starters, poster making, games, debates, quizzes, and workbooks. To inspire pupils in their learning I have invented some games as well as assessment sheets together with preparing my individual lessons. This year I am overseeing a pupil with Aspergers syndrome during break and lunch times. This chance has been rewarding, helping me to attain a wider perspective on primary school experiences, provide additional support as well as learn new behaviour management techniques. I am through with a two†week experience at this school in June 2014 where I got experience in Key Stage 1 and 2 classroom for two weeks. This enabled me to interact with as well as support children in a diverse range of abilities, lessons, as well as activities and provide them with suitable feedback including targets and rewards. I feel that my degree in history would be appropriate. It is not just an academically hard subject but it assisted me to develop several transferable skills such as the ability to construe and clarify intricate information,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Fords Advertising Strategy in India Research Paper

Fords Advertising Strategy in India - Research Paper Example The Indian economy is growing at a rate of 10% since the last 5 years (Uppal, et al, 2009). Apart from the growing middle class, India also features a strong upper class leading it to the fourth largest country with the highest number of billionaires. This makes India a lucrative market for high-end and premium brands as well. Besides being on the road of economic improvement, India also is a democratic state which encourages foreign direct investment. After a long isolation from international trade, India finally has opened its gates for foreign brands which leave a huge opportunity of the international giant corporations to capture their share of the market (Uppal, et al, 2009). As mentioned above, the high income earners of the country along with the growing middle class constitutes a high overall spending power and this fact makes it one of the most lucrative markets in South Asia and the whole world. In contrast to having a strong appeal to international businesses, India does h ave some factors which put a negative impact on its business environment. One of the problems which India faces is unimpressive law enforcement by the Indian judiciary. This is prevalent predominantly because of resource limitations and long procedures fashioned by corruption. However, in order to keep the consumers safe and to increase their confidence, exclusive courts catering to consumer needs and concerns have begun to be set up (Uppal et al, 2009). The elements which Ford must take care of while designing and executing its advertisements is the target segment which must targeted. As mentioned above, India has a growing economy with majority of a middle class and a high proportion of youth, the brands must be appropriately positioned in order to get the most business out of a segment. This means that a premium brand for example Mustang must not be positioned amongst the middle class as it will not be feasible for the company in terms of revenue. Therefore, considering the busin ess environment of India, the advertisements must have relevance to the lifestyle of the market. This suggests that if the target market does not drink, the advertisement must not show any reference to drinking otherwise, the brand will not have any receptive and relevance to the target market. Besides this, the idea of an advertisement must be in line with the culture and expectations of the audience. In order to be generally acceptable and receptive to the audience, the advertisement must clearly portray the true depiction of the lifestyle of the target market. Be it the fashion, models, lifestyle, language etc, every element of the ad must have a relevance to the target market else the brand will not be accepted and will not sell. 2. India’s Advertising Industry India’s advertising industry is on the boom. From being a small scale business to a fully fledged industry, the Indian advertisement has become a world in itself. It is now considered as one of the major ind ustries of the tertiary sector of India with worth $6.4 billion. Apart from the traditional print and electronic media, the advertising industry of India is registering enormous growth of the social media. The internet is increasingly becoming an important tool for businesses to sell their product and for the advertisers to market their brands. The fact that the internet has become a marketplace itself has been well adopted by the Indian adverti

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Religious Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Religious Studies - Essay Example II. Historical Occurrences: Historical events such as the revolution also played a part as the Father's desired a 'break' from the traditionalist British religions. The American Revolution itself has sacred tales of origins, the centre and the source for an American civil religion. (pp. 297, 298). III. Unity and Nationalism: The need for a 'one religion and many religions' also enforced the founding father's to adopt the civil religion. As early as 1749, Benjamin Franklin was already speaking about the need for 'publick religion' (p. 284). Deliberations of the continental congress 25 years after that birthed the US were filled with attention to religious details (p. 284). They adopted a religious system with a 'theology, creed and set of symbols related to their political state existing alongside the churches' (p. 284). They sought to promote nationalism. Civil religion was designed to 'unite many people from many different nations into one state (a political state)' thus creating nation and a nation state (p.285). By the time George Washington took his first oath of office in New York, civil religion was in place. It had arisen out of England Puritanism, but especially out of a union of Puritanism with the engagement of Americans (p.285). Roman Catholism was "introduced into America by Spanish, French missionaries" and introduced to the new world sacramentalism. "Sacramentalism did not end with the seven sacraments; it was a means of understanding the mystery of the church, human life, and the natural world". From sacrament perspective "the sign of God's reality was God's presence among humans". The Pope of Rome was that presence, "the sign of the church: representing the reality of God and acting as a conduit through whom God communicated with human". He was "Vicar and stood equal to the bible as a source of spiritual authority". The Catholic Church "unlike a sect or denomination" sought to include ideally all the "human race not withstanding territory or culture". It sought to include all saints and sinners. "The church was the sign of God's presence in the world". (pp. 66, 67) 4. Do you think that it's possible for modern Americans to return to the primordial religions of their ancestors Why or Why not Religion in the United States evolved over centuries from the religious beliefs of the Native American to the dominant Christianity. From Protestantism to Scientology most modern Americans are still trying to find a balance in the many denominations and sometimes adopting new ones, clearly according to their beliefs, convictions or lack of 'faith' in others. For the native Americans "culture was tradition was religion" (p. 21), while in contrast for modern Americans "religion transcended culture" (p. 21). The current era of coexistence of "one religion and many religions is a fact of American life" (p. 371) and provides solace for Americans uprooted by a

Friday, July 26, 2019

Global Sluggishness Will Slow US Recovery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Global Sluggishness Will Slow US Recovery - Essay Example When I was layoff like many other American workers who have been victims of massive layoffs all across the nation I felt very nervous about the financial well being of me and my family. In the past, I felt the government was never there for me, but the new democratic regime seems to really care about my needs. The fiscal policies of the government are including the proactive measure to help alleviate our problems. For example, as I was receiving unemployment benefits I received a letter from the government that my benefits had been extended by an extra 20 weeks which raised the overall total potential timeline to 59 weeks. Those extra weeks sure provided me with much needed financial relief. A friend told me that I am going to be receiving some extra cash reimbursement from the government after I file my tax returns which were an initiative approved by Obama as part of the stimulus economic package. The money the government spent to help the economy were very large figures which altogether surpassed the trillion dollar mark. It was sure a lot of money, but the catastrophic economic situation justified the decision. First of the banking industry was given over $700 billion dollars. I first I thought that the banks that many times deny you a loan now wants us to give them some free money, but when my brother called me to inform me that his second mortgage loan had been denied I knew that the government needs to do something. My brother always pays his bills on time and he has a good steady job. I was actually going to be the beneficiary of a part-time job from that mortgage loan transaction since his plans were to renovate the home. The CEO of Unity Bank, James A. Hughes said â€Å"The capital raised under the Treasury program".

Make one up Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Make one up - Essay Example The red winged black birds are categorized as generalist birds because they can adapt to a different environment. The red winged blackbirds are found in Southern Alaska, Yucatan peninsula, Canada, and California. The birds keep migrating to various parts of the continent depending on the season. During winter, the birds migrate to southern and central parts of United States. They inhabit open grassy areas such as wetlands. They also inhabit saltwater and fresh water marshes especially if cattail is present Great Blue Heron The Great Blue Heron species have characteristics that make them categorized as specialists. It is among the large wading birds in the Heron family. Great Blue Herons have distinct features such as reddish brown thighs, light feathers, and grey rusty neck. They have long green legs with the males having a puffy trail of feathers behind the head. The males are lighter than the female. The birds are rare to find and do not easily adapt to new ecosystems (Peterson, 20 10). Unlike the other birds, Great Blue Heron fish for food during the day and at night. They like doing most of their activities early in the morning and at dusk. The birds feed on fish, salamanders, snakes, frogs, among other aquatic insects. Herons swallow their food as whole after they catch them. The birds cannot feed on other food apart from aquatic food, which is a characteristic of specialist. They have unique behavior since most of the activities are either done in the morning or at dusk. The herons are said to be private, and never hunt in groups. However, during breeding, the birds do so in groups. When not hunting, the birds sleep in a flock of about one hundred. The birds are extremely territorial and always defend their nests. American Dipper The American Dippers are specialists. It is a thick dark, gray bird with some having a brown head and white feathers on the eyelids. The white eyelids cause the eyes to flash white as they blink. Both male and the female look alik e. They have short tails that are often raised up. American Dipper feeds on insects and their larvae, small fish and fish eggs. They look for food in water or at times over turn a rock to expose the prey. In order for them to survive in such conditions, the birds have lots of feathers, slow metabolism and the ability to carry oxygen for a long time. The birds prefer living on rocky and unpolluted streams. Cliffs on the stream or bridges help them build nests. However, the birds prefer to build their nests on mountainous streams. This is a characteristic of specialist species. They can survive on cold climate and can eat only insects on land and fish (Ross, 2011). American Robin American Robin can live on the road, and in the forest which is a characteristic of generalist. The type of birds can survive in both cold and hot climate which is another characteristic of a generalist. The bird is a member of the thrush family and the name American Robin came about because the bird resemble s a similar bird in Great Britain. Most of them feed on berries, worms, insects and larva. Most of them are seen looking for worms which they take to their young ones. American Robins live in forests, urban areas, and on road sides. The birds can survive in different ecosystems (Ralph, Sauer, & Droege, 2012). Snail Kite Snail Kites are specialist since one can only get them in three areas; they have specific food and living in specific places means that they

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Challenges Employees Face with Electronic Health Records Research Paper

Challenges Employees Face with Electronic Health Records - Research Paper Example I expect all three modules to be consistent with each other and reflect what you actually did. Every sentence you write should be understandable and relevant to the module, you have submitted a lot of words, with no real content.. This is not graduate level work, you have a lot of work to do, to get a passing grade. Ruchi Patel Prof. Peters HCA 500 7/27/13 Abstract – there is no abstract for the results section, you should submit an abstract for module 6 The ratification of Obama Care as a healthcare reform program that was passed in 2011has significantly brought with it, emphasis on the use of electronic health records. The use of electronic health records also remains an indispensiblevalue since it is an integral part of medical services provision. As a matter of fact, healthcare provision begins with the retrieval, updating and storage of the patient’s profile (the patient’s health status, the degree to which the patient has met his financial obligations, fami ly or ethnic background, allergic reactions,age, and financial status) and ends with the same. Likewise, successful medical intervention rises and falls on the management ofelectronic health records, since information gathered from research findings, which is, key to the dispensation of evidence-based practice heavily relies on electronic health recordsfor safekeeping. Legal suits that ensue from patient-healthcare giver also depend upon electronic health records to be launched and prosecuted. Because of this, it is apparent that electronic health records is sacrosanct to healthcare practice and must therefore be studied, in order for ameliorations to be made in the field of medical practice. Introduction –there is no introduction for this module, you present your results in this module, you are free to add any information here, to your introduction in module 6 That there are many challenges that employees face with electronic health records is not in doubt. These challenges are multiple in natures since they have underpinnings in human nature, technological advancements, and laws that govern the provision of healthcare services and the use of technology. In turn, appreciating these challenges that accost employees as they attempt to use electronic health records is very important since it is the key to the realization of patient-based and evidence-based care. Ultimately, making healthcare provision patient-based and evidence-based is the key to the dispensation ofsuccessfulmedical services. The gravity behind this realization is that analyzing and acknowledgingthe difficulties that employees face with electronic health recordsis the first step towards successful medical services provision. Methodology The method that has been used for data collection is questionnaires. This approach was the mostappropriate method of data collection, due to its affordable nature A lot of efforts were also concerted to address ethical issues that accosted the researc h program, in respectto humansubjects in the research. This was requested as part of module 3, which you did not satisfactorily complete but I am interested to know what you actually did, as this forms part of the methodology section for module 6.  Secondly, informed consent was obtained from the respondents, at least a month before the actually questionnaire was enacted. Ok, but you did not provide me with

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

History - Essay Example The Republican sense of democratic governance depends solely on the concept of liberation, and it is non-existent in the English constitution. He contests monarchy and hereditary succession and points out that the English monarchy in itself had a long history of election and usurpation which holds against the Divine Rights theory. The latter half of 18th Century America has witnessed intolerable tyranny from the part of the royal representatives in its colonies, and the consensus to overpower the British rule and declare liberty for America is represented and promoted by the ‘Common Sense’. It asserts the basic right of American people for â€Å"life, liberty and the pursuit of property†. Paine points out in the conclusion that American independence is imminent due to certain unavoidable factors like the differences of priorities in British and American mindset regarding foreign affairs. The kind of mediation America wishes from other nations is made impossible if they remain under the rule of Britain, the association with nations like France and Spain will not take place because of their bad relationship with Britain, American rebellion on many counts against Britain is a reality and this makes things worse if British rule continues and there is general discontent and protest regarding British cruelty among Americans. Paine’s writing is very effective because he uses simple, comprehensible arguments to present complex ideas. He analyses the situation systematically, with due recourse to the general rules of governance and arrives at the solution of a democratic self-governance for American colonies. Though the persuasive elements rely a lot on an explication of the existing system of monarchic and aristocratic rules, the concepts are made clear in everyday terms, thereby helping people from all walks of life identify with his views. The Declaration of Independence was formulated by a group of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Progressive Era Through the Great Depression Essay

Progressive Era Through the Great Depression - Essay Example During the above period, some historical turning points were felt by the Americans. Progressivism came about in the early 20th century as a varied inclination, different in various parts of the State and including all members from political parties. The period became the country’s first leading mindset to support state intervention in free market and in individual liberty in every sphere and at all levels (Perry & Manners, 2006). Moreover, the period made a history in a quick expansion for American capitalism, while at the same time the ruling class soared confidence. Leading economists declared that the era of slumps and booms was a past, and it was time for the US economy to experience permanent prosperity. All these proclamations were made during the 1920s, but before the progressive era was over, the worst depression had hit the US economy. The 1929 stock market collapse which manifested the start of the great depression brought in a period of submersion for almost the ent ire working class. As a result of government intervention in free market, major businesses made more profits while wages continued to be low and workers failed to buy the goods they contributed in production. The banking and financial systems were not regulated and some banks had crashed during the 1920s. Automotive and construction industries, whose business had boomed during the progressive era slowed down at the great depression (Hofstadter, 2011). By the year 1919, when the United States’ congress approved the 19th amendment to grant full voting rights to women, 13 out of 16 states in the west had already granted full suffrage to women. Wyoming was the first state to grant suffrage to women in 1869. In contrast, Eastern and southern states, suffragists had the ability to win the voting right before the federal amendment only in two states that is in Michigan in 1918 and New York in 1917. One of the key reasons for the women’s right was the idiosyncratic circumstanc es in all the suffrage states. The fact that the West was the forerunner in granting the rights suggests a number of common social conditions at work in the Western region, contrary to the other regions (Perry & Manners, 2006). Presidents Roosevelt, Wilson, and Taft all adopted the progressive reform spirit in the legislation that they campaigned for, and in their view of the federal regime’s role in the life of the state. Despite attempting to continue with Roosevelt’s basic directions and policies, Taft’s presidency was not smooth, and a sour rift developed between them and within their party, paving way for Democrat Woodrow Wilson. One of the legislation was the spirit of progressivism. Regardless of divergent concerns and philosophical differences, progressives held to many basic doctrines. They were hopeful about human nature as they tried to humanize and adjust to big politics and businesses. They believed in the significance of direct intervention in citi zens’ lives and wanted the government by all means to actively participate in manifesting reform. All these presidents were driven by their protestant ethics to reform the state using science techniques (Hofstadter, 2011). The Underwood tariff reduced the levy charged on imports and included a new income tax. Thus, the lost revenue was replaced by the tax, authorized by the 16th constitutional amendment. On the other hand, Wilson reforms were not just targeted at Wall Street, but he

Monday, July 22, 2019

On Berkeley’s Concept of God and Heinous Sins Essay Example for Free

On Berkeley’s Concept of God and Heinous Sins Essay It is a misconstrual in positing that George Berkeley’s axiom that God being the author of ideas is responsible for all heinous crimes. And worst, claiming that such postulate of Berkeley is the loophole in his argument and philosophical treatise is reading his philosophic stance superficially. Relying on a version of the argument from design, Berkeley concluded that our ‘ideas’ are produced in our minds by the will of God acting directly. So God, whom we may safely assume to act (in Berkeleys estimation) in full knowledge of what he is doing, must himself have all the ideas which he generates in human minds, as well as those which he would generate, if the right human acts of will occurred to make them appropriate. And for Berkeley, this would amount to saying that God perceives the whole of physical reality, since physical reality simply is a certain infinitely complex constellation of ideas, and having them before ones consciousness is perceiving it. That would be, in itself, a welcome conclusion, when we perceive the physical world, what we do is just the same as what God does when he perceives it; all that happens in either case is that a mind has certain perceptions, nothing more, and so the human mind can be just as sure of what it perceives as is the divine mind of what it perceives. But it does not necessarily follow that he is the author of evil because as Berkeley defined sin, it is the manifestation of the spirit’s will, meaning it is not something that is innate to the motion of its body or God’s design (Berkeley 1988). Thus when ethical issues or moral conflict arises, it is not necessary to blame for the transpiration of events. For example, the espousal of capital punishment is not authored by God, but it was the product of human will and faculty. The problem is, when humanity cannot explain things, they tend to account it to God. Unfortunately, they forget that there is no necessary connection between cause and effect, and they failed to realize that heinous sins such as adultery, murder and sacrilege are not will of God but of ours.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Policy of Sport Development

Policy of Sport Development In this essay the writer is going to attempt to explore the policy of sport development and physical activities. The writer is going to discuss the policy in depth, why the policy was made, what was its aim and which social problems did it address. The writer is also going to discuss how the government implemented this policy and if the policy was successful or not. In discussing the policy the writer is also going to look at the different groups of the community that are affected and how they responded to the policy. The writer will conclude by looking at how the policy has had an impact on peoples lives both the negative and positive impact. In attempting to define social policy one can not come up with one precise definition as social policy is a broad and diverse subject. According to (Spicker, P. 1995) it is the study of social service and the welfare state. The main social services include social security, housing, education, health and personal social services. The wikipedia states that social policy is the guidelines for changing maintenance or creation of living conditions that are conducive to human welfare. Social policies are as a result of government intervention in human affairs. They do not just merge up but they come about to address a social problem. Every policy has an ideological origin, aim, nature and an effect. When the labour gorvenment came into power it adopted a policy on physical activity and sport development. In April 2001 the Government published its strategy for the development of sport over the next decade (Governments plans for sport 2001). The ideological origins of the policy of sport development and physical activities included the following to improve quality of life, improve health of the nation, tackle health inequalities, promote equality, reduce crime, provide opportunity of life long learning, neighborhood renewal and social integration. The aim was to bring Britain together and also set a national strategy for neighborhood renewal. According to the article from the office of the deputy minister on neighborhood renewal unit ( 2008) it defined neighborhood renewal as about reversing the spiral decline, working from the grassroots to deliver economic prosperity ,jobs, safer communities, education, physical activities and better health. Sport would contribute to neighborhood renewal and make a difference in crime, employment, and education. This was to be achieved by providing access to all individuals to quality sport, play, physical activity opportunity promoting individual development (East Riding Council 2008). The Council of Europe defines sport as â€Å"All forms of physical activity which, through casual or organised participation, aim at expressing or improving physical fitness and well-being, forming social relationships, or obtaining results in competition at all levels† Sport is defined broadly, embracing both formal and informal activities undertaken for leisure, health and social benefit including recreational activities such as walking and cycling. Participation in appropriate sport and physical activity provides social, health and economic benefits for individuals, communities and the country as a whole. At the heart of the sport development and physical activities was social inclusion(sport development 2001). This was to promote equality and fairness in the society and remove any form of discrimination which may include age, race, gender, ability and need. Other reasons that may result people being excluded from the society may include unemployment, poor skills, low income, poor housing, crime, bad health or family breakdown. According to the report by ( 2008) people living in disadvantage areas, older people, people from ethnic minorities and people with disabilities were not obtaining the full social health and economic benefits from participation in sport and physical activities. Therefore Sport development was to deal with the opportunities available for people to progress to their potential in sport, from taking part for fun and health to competition and also encompasses the provision of opportunities for addressing the social issues of the day through participation in sport. The policy in sport development and physical activities aimed at addressing number social problems which included crime, health, education and social exclusion. Sport would encourage community safety. (Collins et al 1999) suggested that â€Å"sport might contribute to combat crime particularly youth and juvenile criminal behaviors.† Sport could also help youth offenders, in that they can work with officers who will assist in helping them to gain qualifications and mentor them and use sport to prevent them in anti social behaviors. Sports and physical activities prevent or control risky behaviors among young people for example tobacco or other substance abuse, unhealthy diets or violence (WHO 2003). Providing sport for young people also helps to prevent boredom and helps to teach values and morals, teamwork, respect for others and have a common goal. Sports also help in both physical and mental health. An article from the East Riding Yorkshire Council cited that â€Å"absence from work cost United Kingdom business over eleven billion pounds per annum. Sports and physical activities increase employability and help contribute to the economic vitality of the community. They also help reduce the risk of prada Willis, obesity, coronary heart disease and even diabetes. Sports can also help in therapy and can reduce stress and depression. According to (Bourchard et al, 1994) benefits of sports and physical activities also include reduction in mobility and mortality from disease of several body systems. Establishment of healthful patterns of exercise, positive attitude and adaptive mechanism for coping with stress are likely to yield continued future benefits (Conger, 1987). In addition to that they help improve the sense of well being, self esteem and confidence. Many sporting activities can also be used for rehabilitation, therapeutic and recreation for people with disabilities helping them develop positive mental attitudes (Kumbhare D, Basmajian J 2000) Another aim of this policy was social inclusion; people in the community integrate together helping them to develop a sense community identity. Being involved in sports would make people with the similar interest work together and have a better understanding of one another. Sports and physical activities also help to break social barriers. People from different backgrounds, cultures and ethnicities are able to work together as a team and have a common goal. Every member of the community can participate as they have fair access of the resources. Sports and physical activities have a positive impact on the elderly and those with disabilities as they strengthen bones and help build and maintain healthy muscle joints for people with chronic disabling conditions improve stamina (WHO 2003) The policy also aimed at providing training, employment and improve skill within the sector itself thus enhancing individuals prospects for obtaining employment. Involving people with voluntary and paid sport and physical activity leadership and coaching can help some to gain qualifications and future employment, within or outside of the sports sector. A report from the (East Riding Yorkshire Council 2008) stated that the provision of sport business and services and the manufacturer of sport goods and equipment make a significant contribution to the employment and gross value (9.8 billion pounds). To implement this policy the government divided into the following groups sport in education and sport in the community. The government placed a special emphasis on school sport this is because taking part in school sport helped young people to develop a sporting talent, improved health, team work skills and self discipline. The school sport coordinator programme stated that every pupil was entitled to 2 hours of high quality of physical education and sport in a week within and beyond the curriculum(PE, School Sport And Club Links PESSCL strategy 2002(DFES) . The government introduced different programmes to help development in children and these included the Department of Children, Schools and Families (DFES),The Childrens Act 2004, and Every Child Matters 2004 and the sure start which was to help deliver the best in life for every child by bringing together early education, health and family support. There are also organization which are to mainly support childrens sport and one of them is Tames sport development which works in partnership with over 66 primary schools and its main purpose is to provide quality sporting experience within the schools. In the community one of the primary aim was to improve accessibility of sports to everyone. The main aim was to promote equality, resulting them targerting groups like the ethnic minorities, disabled, women and the elderly. Thus by incorporating the Disability Act 1995 or the Race relations (amendment) Act 2000. In the community local authorities were going to play a central role in delivering sport in the community. Older people should at least engage in moderate intensity sport a day or active recreation three or more days a week (sports playing its part 2005 sport England). The Ashton renewal sport officer aims to provide community access for young people with little or no cost. The policy of sport development and physical activities has already had an impact on the society as a whole. According to Jacquie Smith mp parliamentary under secretary of state of school standards, in 2002 the government had established eighty four specialist sport colleges in fifty nine local education authorities and 159 school sport co- coordinators had started working with teachers and parents to provide more for people in competing sports. A research done by the British market research bureau stated that children are most popular out of hours activity was participating in sports. Some of the positive effects of sport development and physical activities include helped people develop interpersonal skills, has helped combat adolescence depression and helped reduce childhood obesity 6% of childhood obesity .The sport development and physical activities policy has been successful to a greater extent. People in different communities are engaged in local community sport sessions and eventually becoming members of sport clubs. It has also made people aware of healthy lifestyles and also has promoted increased knowledge and understanding of physical activities. Another positive effect of this policy is that a lot of young people are now participating or are involved in sport or physical activities. The Tames sport development scheme engages 7000 young people into school sport and physical education and the after school clubs within a school year attract a total of about 5000 young people from all cultures and backgrounds. In Devon secondary schools are involved in different multi sport events one of them is the pentathlon challenge were over 400 students take part in different sports. The Norfolk county has adopted a vision for physical activity which is â€Å"to make sport and physical activity an everyday part of everybodys life in a Norfolk and one of its goals to promote the value of sport and physical activity improving quality of life for all. In Norfolk schools are able to access the resources for support in sport and physical development. Greater Manchester youth games have over 400 young people participating and has also produced Paralympics competitors. Several councils have now adopted a positive approach towards sports for their communities. An example is the East Riding Yorkshire Council that believes in working with people to promote physical and mental well being. In conclusion Nelson Mandela once said â€Å"Sport can create hope where there was once only despair. It breaks down racial barriers. It laughs in the face of discrimination. Sports speak to people in a language that they can understand.† References: Alcock, P 2003, Social policy in Britain. 2nd edition. Palgrave. Macmillan. Bourchard, C. Sherphard, RJ Stephens, T, 1994, Physical activity, fitness and health international proceedings and consensus statement and campaign. IL. Human kinetics publishers. Conger, J.J 1987. Behavioral medicine and health psychology in a changing world. Conger J, Galambos N, 1997, Adolescence and youth 5th edition, longman. East Riding of Yorkshire Council(2008) leisure sport and physical activity policy. [accessed on the 28/5/08] Kumbhare D, Basmajian J, Decision making and outcomes in sports rehabilitation. Renewal.Net 2008, Sport and physical activivity., [accessed on the 29/5/08] Spicker, P 1995, Social Policy .Themes and Approaches ,London, Prentice Hall. Sport development 2001, Government policy and sport. [accessed on the 28/5/08]

Reflecting on Individual Professional Practice with Gibbs cycle

Reflecting on Individual Professional Practice with Gibbs cycle For the purpose of this essay, I will use Gibbs (1988) Reflective Learning Cycle to reflect on an aspect of individual professional practice, which requires development in preparation for my role as a Registered Nurse. Gibbs (1988) Reflective Learning Cycle encourages a clear description of a situation, analysis of feelings, evaluation of the experience and analysis to make sense of the experience to examine what you would do if the situation arose again. To keep within the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Code of Professional Conduct guidelines (2008a) and to maintain confidentiality the use of names or places will not be used throughout this essay. Description Whilst on placement working on a general ward during my third year I was asked to research a drug I was unsure about by my mentor. On my way to research the drug I was approached by a health care assistant who asked me if I could assist her with a patient who was lying in a soiled bed. I chose to help the health care assistant as I thought this was priority as I could look up the drug at any point in the day as it was for my own learning and development and wasnt urgent. After I had helped the health care assistant, my mentor asked if I had researched the drug. I explained that I had gone to help the health care assistant and would now look up the drug, which I then did. My mentor then told me that I needed to improve on my time management, as I had not looked up the drug when she asked me to. She carried on explaining that when I become a Registered Nurse I would need to know drugs and what they are used for. This situation left me questioning which was the priority, the patients ne eds or my own professional learning and development. Feelings I automatically assisted the health care assistant in making the patient comfortable as I felt that this was the priority over researching the drug. I remember thinking that I could do this at home if the ward became busy. I felt annoyed with myself for not speaking up to my mentor about the issue as I had thought I had made the right decision to help the patient. I was concerned about the patients comfort and felt I could not justify leaving the patient lying in a soiled bed because I had to research a drug. Nurses need to be able to justify the decisions they make (NMC 2008a). After the incident, being told by my mentor that I needed to improve on my time management skills because I chose to assist the health care assistant confused me a little. This practice experience made me feel as though I needed to learn and develop more regarding my time management skills. I decided I would have to research into the meaning of time management as I thought that my time management skills were fine. I was always on time for my shift and I would make a list of the jobs I needed to do and prioritise them. This experience made me question how I was prioritising my workload at present. Evaluation I chose to assist the health care assistant in ensuring the patient was clean and comfortable and felt that this was the priority in this situation. As an accountable practitioner the NMC (2008a) states you must make the care of people your first concern, treating them as individuals and respecting their dignity which I did. I could understand what my mentor was explaining to me, that as a Registered Nurse I must be able to know what different drugs are and what they are used for. As an accountable practitioner, I must have the knowledge and skills for safe and effective practice when working without direct supervision, recognize, and work within the limits of my competence. I must also keep my knowledge and skills up to date throughout my working life and I must take part in appropriate learning and practice activities that maintain and develop my competence and performance (NMC 2008a). Post-registration education and practice (Prep) is a set of Nursing & Midwifery Council standards and guidance, which is designed to help you provide a high standard of practice and care. Prep helps you to keep up to date with new developments in practice and encourages you to think and reflect for yourself. It also enables you to demonstrate to the people in your care, your colleagues and yourself that you are keeping up to date and developing your practice. Prep provides an excellent framework for your continuing professional development (CPD), which, although not a guarantee of competence, but is a key component of clinical governance (NMC 2008b). Following this experience my concern was which is the priority and which was not and that if I had have researched the drug I would have been leaving the patient in a soiled bed until I had done it. Analysis As Individuals, we do not invent the concept of time, but we learn about it, both as a concept and a social institution, from childhood onwards. In the Western world, time has been constructed around devices of measurement, such as clocks, calendars and schedules (Elias 1992). A study by Waterworth (1995) explored the value of nursing practice from the viewpoint of practitioners, she identified that time with patients is important, but raises the question of how nurses manage their time. The importance of time management will strike me at some point in my career as a Registered Nurse. I will be inundated with work and I will need to evaluate how to manage my time effectively. Time management is a dynamic process. It is constant actions and communications between you and your goals and dealing with changing situations (Brumm 2000). Time management tends to go hand in hand with good prioritisation skills, which mean managing your time, deciding upon priorities and planning accordingly, this can be one of the most difficult skills to acquire (Hole 2009). Managing time appropriately will reduce stress and increase productivity. There are three basic steps to time management. The first step requires time to be set aside for planning and establishing priorities. The second step requires completing the highest priority task whenever possible and finishing one task before you start another. In the final step the nurse must reprioritise what tasks will be accomplished based on new information received (Marquis and Huston 2009). We use planning in all aspects of our lives. In nursing, we often call it a care plan, and nurses use this process to guide their practice. The nursing process, or Assess, Plan, Implement and evaluate (APIE), can be used successfully as a time management tool. APIE is a systematic, rational method of planning and providing care but if you change, the meaning to read it is a systematic, rational method of planning and accomplishing a workable time management plan this can be a great tool for nurses to use to manage their time effectively (Brumm 2000). Assess/Analyze Collect and organise data and form a statement of actual or potential time management needs. Plan/Prioritize Formulate your plan. This involves devising goals and expected outcomes, setting priorities, and identifying interventions to help reach the goals. Implement/Intervene Put your plan into action. Evaluate Assess your outcomes and see how you measure up against your goals. There will be constant demands on my time and attention and it may be difficult to identify exactly what my priorities should be. In patient care, priorities can change rapidly and I will need to be able to constantly re-assess situations and respond appropriately. Priority setting is the process of establishing a preferential sequence for addressing nursing interventions. The nurse begins planning by deciding which intervention requires attention first, which second and so on. Instead of rank-ordering interventions, nurses can group them as having high, medium, and low priority. Life threatening problems such as loss of respiratory or cardiac function are designated as high priority. Health-threatening problems, such as acute illness and decreased coping ability, are assigned medium priority because they may result in delayed development or cause destructive physical or emotional changes. A low-priority problem is one that arises from normal developmental needs or that requires only minimal nursing support (Kozier et al 2008). The assumption is that priorities can be determined, and decisions made as to what is most important, and that this can be followed by appropriate nursing actions. To establish priorities is to question what will be the consequence if this is not done immediately. During this experience questioning what will be the consequence of not helping the health care assistant? The patient would have had to wait whilst I researched the drug and would have been left lying in urine and faeces. This could cause skin excoriation to the patient and they would have been left uncomfortable and undignified. I would not have been providing a high standard of practice and care as stated in the NMC (2008a) and I could be held accountable for this as a Registered Nurse. Urinary incontinence and faecal incontinence should be managed in a manner that is unobtrusive, reliable, and comfortable. The patient will need to be attended to quickly, in order to prevent skin damage, relieve discomfort and restore dignity. Nurses need to be aware of the potential skin problems that may result from incontinence (Baillie 2005). The presence of moisture from urine and sweat increases friction and shear, skin permeability and microbial load (Jeter and Lutz 1996). If a patient has been incontinent of urine and faeces, their interaction can result in the formation of ammonia, leading to a rise in pH and an increase in the activity of faecal enzymes that damage the skin (Baillie 2005). The importance of changing a soiled product promptly in cases of faecal incontinence to prevent skin excoriation has also been emphasised by Gibbons (1996). I must act at all times to identify and minimise risk to patients and clients (NMC 2008a). A research article and news story about student nurses and bedside care produced a phenomenal response on The study authors Helen Allan and Pam Smith (2010) speak out  saying that given the current pressures, qualified nurses are unable to deliver bedside care. The perception is that technical care is valued over and above bedside care as a source of learning for students future roles, leaving them feeling unprepared to be registered nurses. Their research showed that students conceptualize nursing differently to qualified staff because of an intensified division of labour between registered and non-registered nursing staff. As students, we often observe health care assistants performing bedside care and registered nurses undertaking technical tasks. The absence of clear role models leads students to question bedside care as part of their learning and to put greater value on learning technical skills. In relation to my reflective experience my mentor suggested the technical task in researching the drug was the priority in relation to the bedside care of the patient therefore it is not surprising to find that student nurses are unclear as to what is a source of learning in preparation for our roles as Registered Nurses. Helping patients with personal hygiene is one of the most fundamental and crucial relationship-building skills available to nurses, regardless of their seniority and clinical experience, student nurses should embrace these opportunities while we do not have the other time pressures and we can then reflect on our experiences. These skills will prove invaluable in delivering, overseeing and evaluating meaningful, holistic care (Bowers 2009). Registered Nurses hold a position of responsibility and other people rely on them. They are professionally accountable to the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), as well as having a contractual accountability to their employer and are accountable to the law for their actions. The NMC (2008a) code states that As a professional, you are personally accountable for actions and omissions in your practice and must always be able to justify your decisions. The NMC (2008a) code outlines the standards that I must work according to, what is expected of me as a registered professional by colleagues, employers, and members of the public. It also outlines what my professional responsibilities and accountabilities are. I may sometimes be faced with situations, which will require me to challenge, and question things that they are asking me to do if I feel that these things are unsafe or are not in the best interests of the patient or organisation. It is well recognised that it can be difficult to address these issues due to factors such as fear of the consequences, embarrassment, and lack of support like in my experience as mentioned above. Semple and Kenkre (2002) point out that the UKCC (2001) [now the NMC] reported the research of Moira Attree, which highlighted that fact that nurses are often reluctant to raise concerns about standards of care because they feared either inaction or retribution from employers. Nurses may also be inhibited b y fears of being ostracised by the team if deciding to speak out against poor practice. This is another aspect of my individual professional practice, which requires development, and I will try to question situations in the future if I feel they are not in the best interests of the patient. Being overwhelmed by work and time constraints will lead to increased errors, the omission of important tasks and general feelings of stress and ineffectiveness. Time management is a skill, which is learned and improves with practice (Marquis and Huston 2009). Literature on time management in nursing is mainly unreliable, providing a number of tips on how to manage time, along with descriptions of processes or strategies. The order for thinking about the process varies, ranging from setting objectives as the first step to working out how time is being used with the aid of time logs (Waterworth 2003). Determining the importance of tasks or priorities is part of the process, although the stage at which this should occur varies between authors. The main theme in literature is that nurses need to think about their own time management, with the main message being that individual nurses can manage their time. The reality of time management in nursing practice has been subject to experimental investigations, although studies on nurses work organization have found time management problematic, with nurses compensating for lack of time by developing strategies in an attempt to complete their work (Bowers et al. 2001). Conclusion Time management is a dynamic process and tends to go hand in hand with good prioritising skills. If you cannot prioritise you, will waste time and be inefficient. This can cause stress to yourself and your fellow team members, as well as causing potential harm to your patients. An efficient way to organising your time can be to use the nursing process as explained in the essay to Analyze, Prioritize, Intervene and evaluate. After my research into time management and prioritising, I believe that my mentor was wrong to question my time management skills. I had thought about which was the greater priority in this situation and I still believe that the patient was. The patient would have been at risk from skin excoriation and would have been left uncomfortable and undignified. As a Registered Nurse, I will be accountable for my actions and in the future, if the same situation arose again I feel that I would not do anything different other than to speak up and justify my decisions. I identified and minimised risk to that patient and as a Registered Nurse, I will hold a position of responsibility and other people will rely on me. Although saying this, my priorities as a Registered Nurse may be different to those as a student nurse and my continuing professional development will be extremely important. I must make the care of my patients my first concern at all times, treating them as individuals and respectin g their dignity (NMC 2008a). Action Plan With the increasing emphasis on efficiency and effectiveness in health care, how I manage my time will be an important consideration. Time management is recognized as an important component of work performance and nursing practice. As a newly qualified Registered Nurse, I will have to have excellent time management skills and be able to prioritise care appropriately. To achieve this I will: Break down my day to find out how long it takes me to do certain tasks. Using the nursing process as a tool, I will write a list in priority order and cross of tasks as they are completed and I will keep evaluating my list during the shift. I will delegate tasks to other members of the team where necessary. Through the reflection of this experience, I am now aware that I also need more development to challenge and question things that I feel are not in the best interests of the patients. To achieve this I will: I will speak up and justify my actions at all times. I will research more into assertiveness and confidence skills. Word Count: 2867.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Role of Women in Conrads Heart of Darkness :: Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness

Women do not play an important part in Heart of Darkness. This is not too surprising as the text was first published for a magazine in 1898. Throughout Marlow's voyage he encounters few women and he does not consider any of them to be his equal. His reference to women places them in their own little world where they should remain. There are a number of reasons as to why Marlow may have this understanding of the female being. These reasons include, but are not limited to, the lack of females in his life, the fact that he is primarily surrounded by men, and the type of women he comes in contact with in his line of work. Â   First and foremost, we will note that Marlow is a seaman. He is a man who has dedicated his life to the ways of the water. As the narrator mentions when speaking of Marlow, "he was the only man of us who still 'followed the sea'" (Conrad, 9). He has been picking up and traveling the world by way of a boat for most of his adult life. The simple fact that he is able to do this without regret is a hint into Marlow's personal life. He cannot be a family man, because it would be too hard for him to be away from family members for such great lengths of time. He may have a mother or a sister somewhere, but it is obvious that, for Marlow, there is no strong bond with any female family member. Even his aunt who so willingly helps him find work is not spoken of lovingly. If Marlow were to have a wife, one would assume that, it would be hard, if not impossible, for him to maintain a faithful marital relationship to her while leading such a Nomadic lifestyle. This is presumably why he is not emotionally attached to a wife or serious girlfriend. Â   It is also safe to say that Marlow does not have any platonic girl associates, because of the statement made about them in their own world. He makes it quite clear that women and men are on two totally different levels. In the time that the story was written, it would have been crazy to think of a woman and a man having a mutual friendship that had no loving or sexual components. Role of Women in Conrad's Heart of Darkness :: Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness Women do not play an important part in Heart of Darkness. This is not too surprising as the text was first published for a magazine in 1898. Throughout Marlow's voyage he encounters few women and he does not consider any of them to be his equal. His reference to women places them in their own little world where they should remain. There are a number of reasons as to why Marlow may have this understanding of the female being. These reasons include, but are not limited to, the lack of females in his life, the fact that he is primarily surrounded by men, and the type of women he comes in contact with in his line of work. Â   First and foremost, we will note that Marlow is a seaman. He is a man who has dedicated his life to the ways of the water. As the narrator mentions when speaking of Marlow, "he was the only man of us who still 'followed the sea'" (Conrad, 9). He has been picking up and traveling the world by way of a boat for most of his adult life. The simple fact that he is able to do this without regret is a hint into Marlow's personal life. He cannot be a family man, because it would be too hard for him to be away from family members for such great lengths of time. He may have a mother or a sister somewhere, but it is obvious that, for Marlow, there is no strong bond with any female family member. Even his aunt who so willingly helps him find work is not spoken of lovingly. If Marlow were to have a wife, one would assume that, it would be hard, if not impossible, for him to maintain a faithful marital relationship to her while leading such a Nomadic lifestyle. This is presumably why he is not emotionally attached to a wife or serious girlfriend. Â   It is also safe to say that Marlow does not have any platonic girl associates, because of the statement made about them in their own world. He makes it quite clear that women and men are on two totally different levels. In the time that the story was written, it would have been crazy to think of a woman and a man having a mutual friendship that had no loving or sexual components.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Biblical and Mythological Allusions in Moby Dick :: Moby Dick Essays

An allusion is a reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or work of art.    Writers often use biblical and mythological allusions to which their readers are familiar.   In Moby Dick, Herman Melville frequently uses biblical and mythological allusions.   With these allusions the reader begins to understand the topic of discussion and is also exposed to the wisdom and knowledge Melville possess.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first allusion appears in the first line of the novel.   â€Å"Call me Ishmael.† (Melville1).   Ishmael was the biblical son of Abraham and his servant Hagar.   He was disowned in favor of Isaac, Abraham’s son with his wife Sarah.   An angel prophesied to Hagar.   â€Å"his hand shall be against every man, and every man’s hand against him.† (Genesis 16:12).   The name â€Å"Ishmael† has since become used commonly for an outcast, which is appropriate since he is inexperienced when it comes to whaling and is viewed as AN outcast to the other sailors upon the Pequod.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another biblical allusion is of the prophet Elijah and Captain Ahab.   Elijah WARNS Queequeg and Ishmael of Ahab.   Ishmael says he and Queequeg ARE boarding the Pequod because they have just â€Å"signed the articles† (Melville 68) and Elijah responds â€Å"Anything down there about your souls† (Melville 68).   This conflict between Elijah and Ahab goes all the way back to the bible.   I Kings describes the conflict between King Ahab and his wife Jezebel.   Elijah tells Ahab that â€Å"in the place where dogs licked the blood of Naboth shall dogs lick they blood, even thine,† (I Kings 21:19), and that â€Å"the dogs shall eat Jezebel by the wall of Jezrell† (I Kings 21:23).   This allusion is significant for foreshadowing the destruction of the Pequod.   In Moby Dick the characters names are not so different than names in the Bible and neither is the outcome of those characters so different.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Melville not only used a number of biblical allusions in Moby Dick, but he also used many mythological allusions.   He used Greek mythology in describing the tattooing on the Queequeg.   â€Å"The counterpane of the patchwork, full of odd little parti-colored squares and triangles, and this arm of his tattooed all over with an interminable Cretan labyrinth of a figure† (Melvine 19).   The Cretan labyrinth was the maze, which imprisoned the half-bull, half-human Minotaur.   This adds immensely to the visual imagery of Queequeg.   Being able to imagine this large, black harpoon with a   â€Å"Cretan labyrinth of a figure† (Melville 19) the reader has a more appealing and specific picture of him. Biblical and Mythological Allusions in Moby Dick :: Moby Dick Essays An allusion is a reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or work of art.    Writers often use biblical and mythological allusions to which their readers are familiar.   In Moby Dick, Herman Melville frequently uses biblical and mythological allusions.   With these allusions the reader begins to understand the topic of discussion and is also exposed to the wisdom and knowledge Melville possess.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first allusion appears in the first line of the novel.   â€Å"Call me Ishmael.† (Melville1).   Ishmael was the biblical son of Abraham and his servant Hagar.   He was disowned in favor of Isaac, Abraham’s son with his wife Sarah.   An angel prophesied to Hagar.   â€Å"his hand shall be against every man, and every man’s hand against him.† (Genesis 16:12).   The name â€Å"Ishmael† has since become used commonly for an outcast, which is appropriate since he is inexperienced when it comes to whaling and is viewed as AN outcast to the other sailors upon the Pequod.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another biblical allusion is of the prophet Elijah and Captain Ahab.   Elijah WARNS Queequeg and Ishmael of Ahab.   Ishmael says he and Queequeg ARE boarding the Pequod because they have just â€Å"signed the articles† (Melville 68) and Elijah responds â€Å"Anything down there about your souls† (Melville 68).   This conflict between Elijah and Ahab goes all the way back to the bible.   I Kings describes the conflict between King Ahab and his wife Jezebel.   Elijah tells Ahab that â€Å"in the place where dogs licked the blood of Naboth shall dogs lick they blood, even thine,† (I Kings 21:19), and that â€Å"the dogs shall eat Jezebel by the wall of Jezrell† (I Kings 21:23).   This allusion is significant for foreshadowing the destruction of the Pequod.   In Moby Dick the characters names are not so different than names in the Bible and neither is the outcome of those characters so different.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Melville not only used a number of biblical allusions in Moby Dick, but he also used many mythological allusions.   He used Greek mythology in describing the tattooing on the Queequeg.   â€Å"The counterpane of the patchwork, full of odd little parti-colored squares and triangles, and this arm of his tattooed all over with an interminable Cretan labyrinth of a figure† (Melvine 19).   The Cretan labyrinth was the maze, which imprisoned the half-bull, half-human Minotaur.   This adds immensely to the visual imagery of Queequeg.   Being able to imagine this large, black harpoon with a   â€Å"Cretan labyrinth of a figure† (Melville 19) the reader has a more appealing and specific picture of him.

Domestic Violence in America Essay -- Violence Against Women Essays

Domestic abuse in the United States is a large-scale and complex social and health problem. The home is the most violent setting in America today (Lay, 1994). Sadly enough, the majority of people who are murdered are not likely killed by a stranger during a hold-up or similar crime but are killed by someone they know. Not surprisingly, the Center for Disease Control and prevention has identified interpersonal violence as a major public health problem (Velson-Friedrich, 1994). Current estimates suggest that three to four million women are the victims of physical abuse by their intimate partners (Harris & Cook, 1994). According to the FBI, some form of domestic violence occurs in half of the homes in the United States at least once a year (Dickstein, 1988). In reality one out of every six marriages the wife is physically abused. Every fifteen seconds a women is battered in the United States. Daily, four American women lose their lives to their husbands or boyfriends, equaling more than one-third of all female homicide victims (WAC, 1994). These numbers report that too much violence is directed toward women. Historically, domestic violence has been a downplayed and, oftentimes, culturally condoned, American tradition. In the colonial period, laws derived from English common-law permitted a man to beat his wife when she acted in a manner that he believed to be inappropriate. For example, the so-called â€Å"Rule of Thumb† law, which permitted a husband to beat his wife with a stick that could be no larger than the circumference of his thumb, was in effect until the end of the nineteenth century (Dickstein, 1988). The issue of domestic violence, especially wife abuse, first gained national attention in 1974 with the publishing of Scream Quietly or the Neighbors Will Hear by Erin Pizzey, the founder of Chiswick’s Women’s Aid, a shelter in England for battered women. Pizzey’s work helped to stimulate feminist concern and outrage over wife b eating, verbal abuse, financial restrictions and social isolation of women by their husbands (Utech, 1994). Shortly thereafter, the women’s liberation movement, through the National Organization for Women (NOW), advocated for the end of violence against women and sought improved social services for battered wives. NOW also was actively engaged in promoting shelter homes and lobbying congressional leaders for legislation that would... ...t? Because they don’t have the protection they need. The criminal justice system needs to start a victim relocation program for domestic abuse victims. This would ensure their safety and allow them enough courage to leave a horrible situation. In a nation that detests racism and protests animal cruelty then why are women and children still subject to torture and violence in their own homes at the hands of their husbands and fathers? In a politically correct world too many of us still view women and children as inferior, as property. The media portrays women as sex symbols and often with a very noticeable lack of intelligence. Often doctors turn their backs on damage left as the result of abuse because of the fear of embarrassing their patients (WAC, 1994). It is time to declare war on domestic violence. Domestic violence will always be a part of our culture. Women are still not considered equal and historically it was acceptable to beat your wife if she was out of line. Wi th today’s broken marriages and extensive abuse of alcohol and drugs, the matter will only get worse. If strong initiatives are not instilled now, there will be many unnecessary deaths due to the rise in abuse.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Human Resource Activities of Qantas Airways Essay

The Qantas Airways is the largest airline in Australia. Its Human Resource Management operates in the company in four major areas, which are business segments, corporate, shared services, development, and learning. This report gives limelight to the Qantas airways HRM and its role in ensuring perfect operations of the company. It further discusses change management and job analysis and design. The company has undergone intensive change management such as cutting of prices and labor costs in order to ensure high productivity, moderation of wages as well as the introduction of flexible structures through a versatile and motivated workforce. Moreover, the HRM is also responsible of ensuring that right people are hired and given necessary training under job analysis and design. However, despite the roles that the company has entrusted the HRM, there have been heightened cases of accidents and strikes from dissatisfied workers alleging that they are paid meager salaries. This shows a HRM gap in delivering its responsibilities. Therefore, the report further argues that the HRM has failed in its change management and job design and analysis strategy. In order to correct the situation, the report further proposes that the HRM change its training and communication model. As a means to an end, the report discusses some of the implications emerging from the HRM problems and ends with a comprehensive summary. Description of Qantas and their HRM Activities The Qantas Airways is Australia’s largest airline. It has a solid history as it began its business years back by transporting passengers and mails. Today, the company has expanded its operations in almost 140 destinations across the globe. It is Australia’s largest employers with around 37,000 employees. The human resource management operates in the company in four major areas, which are business segments, corporate, shared services, and development and learning. Under corporate level, the HRM is responsible for employees’ remuneration as well as benefits, the industrial relations of the airline with its competitors and development of the management. In the business segment level, the HR teams often collaborate with other business segments to ensure successful delivering of strategies that will ensure competitive advantage. Human resource has a major responsibility in the company and under shared services; the HRM is responsible of managing  workers records, supporting remuneration and recruitment process and managing employees’ compensation as well as coming up with strategic plans on staff travelling schedules and schemes (Belobaba, Odoni and Barnhart, 2009). Finally, under the learning and development level, the HRM comes up with training programs for employees to help them deliver their work effectively. HR Functions: Change Management and Job Analysis and Design at the Qantas Airways Discussion of Two HR functions in the Qantas Change Management The Qantas airline was formerly owned by the government hence did not perceive efficiency and profits as its prime goal (Rothkopf, 2009). After its privatisation in 1995, the HRM had to adopt various management practices in order to overcome the company’s external and internal influences. The HRM in their change management has emphasised on cutting costs and more so reduction of labour costs to guarantee heightened productivity, moderation of wages as well as the introduction of flexible structures through a versatile and motivated workforce (Marks, 2007). Cutting labour costs in the Qantas airways have involved strict measures from the HRM such as reducing wages and salaries through eliminating costly practices (Hernandez, 2011.). The Qantas airline HRM has undertaken immense changes in order to cope with diverse external and internal factors (Gillen and Morrison, 2005). Various factors led to changes in the HR management such as the need to have more profits in the company a nd the fact that the company was under government ownership. This means that the airline had maintained its authoritarian hierarchical structure, autocratic form of leadership, and strict procedures and rules (Hughes, 2012). In addition, the airline has been involved in a major change as far as training is concerned and in 2003, the HRM facilitated in the expansion of the company’s apprenticeship programme (Gunn, 1988). According to Kirkpatrick’s model of learning and training, training helps in ensuring affirmative results (Kearns, 2010). Job Analysis and Design Job design and analysis is the cornerstone of the Qantas HRM. Job analysis can be viewed as the hub of all human resource management activities that are needed for effective organizational functioning (Berman et al, 2009). Under job analysis, the HRM is responsible for planning, recruitment, selection, placement, and induction of workers (Berman et al, 2009). The procedures that are often supported by job analysis process include personnel selection, training, job evaluation as well as performance appraisal (Berman et al, 2009). In addition, the process of job analysis supports the Qantas organizational strategy in dealing with market competition and talent crisis. According to human resource theory, strategic HRM focuses on connecting all HR functions with organizational goals (Rothwell and Benscoter, 2012). The Qantas airline HRM in the process of job analysis determines various training needs of workers. Moreover, in job analysis process, the HRM determines on some of the things that affect behavior in the company. After job analysis process, the next step is job design, which aims at outlining and organizing duties, responsibilities, as well as tasks in a single unit in order to achieve particular objectives. Job design in the Qantas airways is essential in enabling effective feedback. In addition, training is an imperative part in job design in order to make sure that employees are conscious of their work demands. Training encompasses leadership training to employee orientation (Aulenbach, 2007). Development and training plays an imperative role in ensuring success of a company. Today, most organizations view training as an imperative role of human resource (Price, 2011). From research conducted, it is apparent that most organizations such as the Qantas airways are spending a lot of money on training with a belief that it will consequently give them a competitive advantage in both global and local market (Jackson, Schuler and Werner, 2011). According to human resource theory (Bacon et al, 2009), workers need maximum support from human resource function. In that case, the Qantas airways offer training to staff in order to motivate them as well as ensure competitive advantage in the company. Frances (2009) avows that training is imperative in ensuring imperative piloting skills. In 2009, the company opened approximately $10 million staff training centers in an effort to build on economies of scale. The HRM through job design help the workforce to make vital adjustments. Problem s and Implications Faced by Qantas Although the two major basic functions of HRM is to ensure successful change management and job analysis and design, the Qantas airline has undergone  through various challenges in these two areas. The HRM in their change management focused on cutting costs such as labor costs in order to increase productivity, ensure moderate workers’ salary and introduce flexible structures. However, they have failed in ensuring effective and non-biased change management. This is because, workers recently have been complaining of being paid meager salaries and even gone for strikes. Under change management, they should have ensured successful remuneration of employees. However, it is embarrassing to note that a reputable company like Qantas with such successful change management strategy has failed to take care of its employees. The unsolved salary issues have caused employee outcry and various scandals in the company. The pilots have been protesting over meager salaries and the union workers have continued to demonstrate over pay inequality arguing they are paid 25% less than their equals in Victoria (Hernandez, 2012). In a survey that was conducted in 2012, on three thousand Qantas employees, the workers expressed dissatisfaction with the management of the company mostly the HRM (McDonald, 2012). Serious staff challenges have continued threatening the company yet up to now the HRM is still reluctant to come up with a new change management model such as ADKAR model that will cater for the interests of workers and allow the company to focus activities on particular business results (Hiatt, 2006). Under Job analysis and design, it is apparent that the HRM made immense mistakes in choosing the right candidates. Despite heavy training programs that the HRM has invested in during job analysis and design process, it is only in 2008 that the company was involved in an in-flight incident, which caused ser ious injuries to passengers and death of 129 passengers due to specious commands (Frances, 2009). In addition, it is apparent that training has not had a positive impact in the company since in 2006, the Qantas Airways pilots failed to monitor their position hence ended up to the wrong runway. Moreover, in 2009, the company’s pilots failed to acknowledge and decided to overshoot their destinations by 150 miles (Frances, 2009). Frances (2009) alleges that captains in the company are not competent enough as they lacked knowledge on use of stick shaker and stall recovery thus causing serious accidents. It is hence clear that the HRM department leaves a lot to be desired as incidences have continued to intensify despite the company’s change management and job design and analysis strategy (Louise, 2011). With such a successful airline company, it is apparent that its HRM is ineffectual and has only led to losses than success. The company asserts that it is committed fully to developing its people, yet they do not seem to know how they can forge a beneficial relationship with its staff. There has been a lot of change in the company including cutting of costs, developing training programs, outsourcing working rules and regulations, collaborating with the unions yet the situation seem to be moving from bad to worse. It is apparent that the HRM has been incompetent in hiring the right personnel and dealing with employees. Implications to Stakeholders Various stakeholders include trade unions, government, shareholders, customers, community, business partners, employees, the media, and non-governmental organizations. They all have a major influence on the company’s performance and its strategy. The media coverage on wrong decisions in the Qantas have affected negatively on the company’s image. The problems discussed obviously imply that the HRM, shareholders, and business partners have been reluctant in solving the current crisis hence affecting the performance of the company. Because of the accidents reported, most consumers are not keen on using Qantas airline hence affecting profitability (BBC News, 2012). Additionally, the challenges in the company have also affected employees and consumers on grounds that they have lost confidence with the running of the company (Sandilands, 2011). The looming disagreement between Qantas and its pilots shows clearly that the HRM and business partners have failed in ensuring they contribute in effective management of the company. In addition, the Non-governmental organizations have failed in conflict resolution between the Qantas and its employees. It is apparent that the HRM, business partners, and non-governmental organizations involved have failed in coming up with rational solutions to ensure such current disputes do not develop into a major crisis. Instead of the company’s CEO, Alan Joyce holding productive talks, he has been busy making provocative comments in numerous heated exchanges. For instance, he condemned union members on issues regarding wages arguing that their talks and protests were baseless (Bamber, 2011). The union leaders in return criticized N senior managers and accused them of tarnishing the brand image of the company while they were awarding themselves hefty salaries. This hence implies that the  community as well as Union members have lost confidence on the company’s stakeholders and this in return has led to bad publicity and reduced profitability. Consequently, the media has given a wide coverage on the company’s latest controversies meaning that it is benefiting financially because of the developing story. It is upsetting to see Qantas’ employees go on strike due to poor management issues in a company owned by various stakeholders. The shareholders, business partners, the HRM, CEO, and Nongovernmental Organizations have a major role to play in ensuring issues in the company are resolved and the company goes back to its initial profitable situation. Therefore, they need to sit down and come up with a rational plan towards improvement (Bamber, 2011). Action plan and Recommendations With the increasing incidences, there is hence a need to come up with an action plan. First, all the stakeholders must meet to discuss on ways to solve the recent crisis. In the meeting, there will be change of communication and training model to more rational models that are employee oriented. The HRM will carry out the process and engage other stakeholders to give ideas on how salary and training issues ought to be handled. The change process will take place from 1st to 28th November in the company’s boardroom. To carry out the process, the employees will be interviewed in order to show some of the areas they would need change. The entire company’s workforce and managers will be given information concerning the changed plan. The recent problems involving HRM function has caused the company to suffer financially. The Qantas airline in their website asserts that, â€Å"Qantas is committed to providing meaningful jobs with competitive salaries and superior benefits† (Qantas, n.d). However, they have failed in fulfilling their promise as the strikes reported tell a different story. In addition, they allege that they â€Å"provide targeted, quality training to the Qantas group and assists in the development of skills† (Qantas, n.d). However, the accidents reported show a major gap in their training strategy. The HRM should revisit their training and communication model and make a change on it. It is time the company moved out of a market approach change strategy that only focus on making profits and focus on employee oriented approach that consider the interests of workers. With an effective training  model, there will be workshop and focus group sessions where employees air their grievances and come up with solutions to their problems (Frances, 2009). In addition, effective HRM communication should contribute successfully to teamwork, learning, innovation, safety, and productivity (Krizan et al, 2010). Moreover, the HRM should invest heavily on their pilot candidates and ensure that they get the right training. Coming up with a HR strategic oriented communication model is important in guaranteeing that employees are at par with requirements and needs of the company. This will help in discussing paramount issues affecting the running of the company. Once there is fit between communicat ion and training model in relation to the role of the HRM, the next step should be to come up with a tactical plan on how the HR will be managing their roles to ensure there are no more scandals. The HR needs to be involved fully in daily operations of the company to ensure alignment with needs of the employees. Moreover, the HRM should come up with performance management plan, which is imperative in following up on the performance of the staff members. The HRM should also be transparent in its strategy. This means that the company’s operational and strategic agenda should be communicated clearly to workers and must be accepted. This will ensure employees’ needs are met and there are no operational challenges. In addition, its mission should be shared with other shareholders to make sure they are on the right path to correcting the image of the company. Today’s HR models recognize on the fact that people do not leave their issues at home when they are going to work. For the company to be successful, it should focus on the needs of the workers whether personal or professional. This will motivate the workers to deliver quality work. In that case, there will be less accidents and remuneration problems in the company (Frances, 2009). In addition, in training sessions, the HR should focus on changing staff members’ attitude towards work and teach them on how to have a positive attitude. This will help in motivating workers and encouraging them to air their grievances through dialogue.